Choose your running group!



You've got goals and you're ready to tackle them - amazing! One way to keep focused and achieve your best possible outcomes is to find your running community. Rather than chasing your goals alone, chase your goals with peers that will encourage you on the journey to the line. Finding a running group that fits you and your goals can be challenging, but fortunately, there are many options.

Here are a few things to consider when looking for a running group:
What are your goals?
What do you hope to achieve from training? Some people aim to earn personal records (PRs) and are serious about becoming stronger runners. Others might want to chat with friends and focus on fun. Identify your goals and find a group that aligns with them.

How to find Running Groups?
In the midwest region, the best place to start for finding a new community is a local running store. Other great places include races, fitness centers, online running communities and networking to connect with a group that works well with you.

What kind of pace do you run?
When choosing a group, think about your current pace and how fast you'd like to run. Find a group that will push you while keeping things realistic. You may consider messaging the group to see what a "normal" day looks like for them regarding pace.

What time of day are you available to run? 
Various groups meet at different times of the day. There are infinite options for your community; think about what your schedule may allow. Make time or make the adjustment.

Where does the group meet? 
Choose a group that meets at a location convenient for you. This will help ensure you can consistently attend runs.

Remember, you can change groups as your needs dictate. Have fun & keep chasing your goals!


Local Running Groups - Springfield, MO Area

OMRR - OMRR is a local not for profit organization that is a staple in the Springfield community. They have numerous ways to connect to local running groups and they offer training plans and weekly training runs leading up to the Bass Pro Fitness Series Events. This year, the Bass Pro Training Series begins on July 13, 2024.

Fleet Feet - Fleet Feet is a running store in Springfield offering various training runs and structured programs for a fee. They also host fun community runs throughout the year.

Bass Pro Fitness Series Community - The Bass Pro Fitness Series events are among the largest races in Springfield. The Fitness Series has four (4) major events: Run Finley Farms (new in 2024) in June, Run the Rock in September, Marathon Weekend in November and Dogwood Canyon races in November. This community has runners of various fitness levels and is an excellent resource for staying motivated while training and also connecting with local runners. While you're staying motivated, sign up for all the races HERE.

SBC Athletics - SBC Athletics is where I first found my running community after college. You can join this group for a fee. They have various group runs, volunteer opportunities and community events.

Other Groups in Springfield

Surrounding Area Groups

Local Running Groups - Kansas City, MO Area

Local Running Groups - St. Louis, MO Area

Local Running Groups - Bentonville, AR Area

These groups are just the tip of the iceberg. Your running community is out there. Start exploring! Who knows—you might even start a club of your own. Keep chasing your goals—you've got this!