For the Mom's

In 2019, I found out I was going to be a mom for the first time.  I was excited but also had some concerns.  I am grateful for a dear friend who had a frank conversation with me about “mom guilt”.
As an avid over-thinker, I am pretty darn good about feeling guilty, like I could've or should've done something differently or better. Luckily, God placed some kiddos in my life that helped bring me back to reality; we are imperfect as people and we have to work through that guilt in a healthy way. We are always in a state of learning, growing, and most importantly learning to love each other well. Motherhood is a mixture of decisions that aren't necessarily right or wrong, they depend on the circumstances of your life. 

Enter the Bass Pro Fitness Series:
I found out I was pregnant the day of the Cohick 1/2 Marathon in 2019. Funny enough, at packet pick-up the night before the race, I had convinced my mother-in-law (at roughly 2 weeks freshly married to her son), that we had both contracted some communicable disease with very similar symptoms of nausea
and fatigue. She totally bought it.

Looking back, this was a fairly pivotal time for me. I'd always been active - running, lifting weights, snowboarding.  I just loved moving and did not let much slow me down.  Now, as a mom to three little ones, I have learned how being a mom changes us - both physically and mentally.  The waves of motherhood are funny like that, a constant dichotomy of whatever version of you is stuck in your head compared with your current life situation. For me, it's the go-to-the-gym-Kim who always had a bag of supplements, fruit and a very large quantity of water bottles versus the mom who has a bag of diapers, wipes and children’s’ snacks.

When I first started running the Bass Pro Fitness Series events, my training was consistent and I could guess my mile time without even looking at my watch.  I've spent the greater part of the last four years trying to find that drive again, looking for those goals to feel as easily attainable as they were before. Having a routine and a plan is great, but it is rare that my wonderful family of five allows for consistency! There are days when I have the time and discipline to make my perfectly delicious (and secretly healthy- yes my kids love it!) smoothie, and there are days when I take a bite of the cold dinosaur chicken nugget I found on the floor, from last night’s dinner.  Finding the BALANCE of it all can be so hard.

Why did I want to write this blog? We encourage our kids to grow and find out what they are capable of, and I think we forget to the do the same for ourselves. Once we become moms, our thoughts, feelings and actions are so directed on our families that we can forget to encourage ourselves to continue to grow.  The Fitness Series helps me become more of who I know I am capable of being.

If you are a mom and even slightly interested in moving your body and getting outside, the Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series is for you. If you are training to run 7-minute-miles and would love to run with a pacing group, the Bass Pro Fitness Series is for you. If you want to walk and enjoy the sights and sounds around you, the Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series is for you. If you are looking to experience a 5k, 15k, 25k, or even 50k and want some great company, the Bass Pro Fitness Series is for you. I wanted to write this blog to encourage MOMS to embrace where they are, where they come from and where they are going!

This will be my 5th year of completing both the Cohick 1/2 Marathon and Dogwood 25/15K Challenge; this community has seen me run at my fastest and run/walk while 6 months pregnant with my 3rd child. It is the coolest thing to feel just as supported whether I am slow or fast. All that matters is that you show up.

Obviously, you have to be physically healthy enough to complete these kinds of activities so make sure you check with your doctor if you have any medical issues or concerns. 

Being a mom is the most important role in my life and I want to “show up” everyday as a better person than I was yesterday.  Participating in the Bass Pro Fitness Series and interacting with fellow racers helps me do that. The Bass Pro Fitness Shops Series is helping me show up, so if your a mom and you're looking for support, growth and the opportunity to show up better each day, the Bass Pro Fitness Series is especially for you.

So, this one is for the moms. You've totally got this. See you out there!